
How it works?

Take a look at how simple it is to get started with Daresne online tutoring.

Getting started is as easy as counting to 4

Boost your child’s performance with just a few clicks!


Book a free trial lesson

Choose the subject and level of tutoring you need to book a free trial lesson with no commitments.


Speak with an Education Advisor

One of our expert Education Advisors will reach out to briefly discuss your goals and assign you the most suitable tutor.


Join the lesson

You will be assigned a great and compatible tutor for the trial lesson to help you kickstart your learning journey.


Sign up for a membership

We will help you choose the best Daresne membership for you.

We have a plan for everyone!

Secure the key for a brighter future today!

Trusted online tutors in more than 18 subjects

If you want support in a different subject, let us know, and we will find the ideal tutor for you.

High-quality online tutoring in the palm of your hands

Online Secure Tutoring Lessons

We use Google Meet, a secure, reliable, and encrypted video-conferencing platform for our tutoring lessons.

Students are able to interact with their tutors via microphone and webcam, which helps convey complex concepts and makes learning more fun!

Connected at anytime

Chat and ask your tutor questions in the dedicated Daresne WhatsApp group.

Schedule and Exchange

Schedule your next tutoring lesson by agreeing to a date with your tutor. Exchange important lesson material and crush your exams!

Online tutoring that works!

Experience award-winning online education

The perfect tutor for your child, so education never stops being fun

Flexibility, so you can accommodate online tutoring with your child’s afterschool activities

Access your tutoring lessons from anywhere, even on holidays

Save valuable time by not having to commute to a regular tutoring centre

Affordable, quality tutoring lets your child learn more without breaking the bank

Online learning without interruptions, even on stormy days

Explore our great Daresne Memberships

Look at some of our frequently asked questions

Daresne is the future of online education. We aim to prepare young minds through personalised, flexible, and effective 1:1 online tutoring. We are building the education of tomorrow.

We offer support at all levels — especially primary and secondary school students up to A-levels. Our online tuition will transform your life.

Absolutely! You can use your available "Daresne Credits" to request a tutoring lesson on any subject supported by us.


When booking a free trial lesson, an Educational Advisor will happily assist you in setting up all the subjects you need and recommend the best plan for them!

Daresne offers 1-to-1 exam preparation with 24/7 full access to our Premium Study Resources [beta].


Together, we will set an educational goal, and our tutors are going to wonderfully prepare your child to crush those exams!

No, we do not ask for credit card information when booking a free trial lesson.


Book a free trial lesson for any subject supported by us and see how our online tutoring will effectively get you closer to academic success.

Our one-to-one lessons have a duration of 50 minutes.

We have a plan for everyone and every budget.


Our private online lessons range from as little as £25.47 to £34.71, depending on the Daresne Membership that you choose.


Refer now to our "Prices" section for more info about our exclusive offers!

We only work with the top 20% of tutor applicants.


Our tutors have strong academic backgrounds, teaching experience, great communication skills, and a passion for teaching.


They are also required to submit an enhanced DBS check, or the international legal equivalent. We are confident that our tutors can help your child achieve academic success.

Do you still have more questions about Daresne?

You are one step closer to achieving academic success with Daresne!

See how our online tutoring can transform your life.

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